

来自南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的问候 ! I hope that everyone in the 1990届毕业生 is doing well and staying safe ! I just finished the most unusual year of teaching that you could ever imagine. 这一整年我都在用“双重模式”教学.” Other districts and / or states used different terminology to describe it. 基本上, I have anywhere from 3 to 6 students in the classroom with me along with another 12 or so that participated in class online. All of our parents had the choice of how their children would participate in class, and they had the opportunity to change their mind every 5 to 6 weeks. Therefore, we didn’t have some of the drama and confusion that other places had. 为此,我很感激 ! I am also thankful that I got so many responses to my request for news from people from several classes. 请随时给我发新闻/信息. I will make sure that it gets to the appropriate people for publication.

梅利莎(米西)莫德, 我1988届的鼻涕蜗牛家族成员, 给我发了一条消息,让我有点嫉妒. 梅丽莎说她刚刚退休, 她花了很多时间打网球, 高尔夫球, 和全身乒乓球(匹克球). 我很想看一些全身乒乓球的视频! 而米西说她给退休打了5颗星的评级, she is also doing some ad hoc coaching for people looking for better jobs / new careers. I would bet that she is pretty busy with that considering how many people lost jobs in the last year. 她的儿子 , 威廉 , will be a junior at Utah State so the family will take some trips to the national parks in that area along with several other road trips this summer.

珍妮领域 ,我是1988届毕业生 , 是自己创业的食谱开发者和美食摄影师吗, 在线糕点师 . Prior to that, she worked as a pastry chef after attending culinary school. 珍妮还教了16年的特殊教育. 我喜欢珍妮网站上的这句话 , “I will teach you the “whys” behind the “hows” of cooking and baking. Once you learn those fundamentals, you’ll be more relaxed and more creative in the kitchen.” I am not sure that knowing the “whys” behind the “hows” will help me become a better cook. 然而, I can tell you that the pictures on the website look incredible! Jenni还分享了Jeff Riehm, 也是1988届毕业生, 是Enviva生物质的高级IT工程师,热爱自己的工作. Perhaps the most impressive accomplishment is that Jenni and Jeff are the parents of 8 cats, 他们还会在需要的时候收养其他的猫. 听起来像是一份24 / 7的工作 !

亚历山大·戈塞特·希夫莱特, 1990届毕业生, 住在乔治亚州,在那里教音频, Video, 科技 & 影片为格威内特县公立学校. 亚历克斯正准备开始她第20年的教学生涯! 她的丈夫托德是乔治亚高地医疗诊所的首席执行官. 他们的女儿格蕾丝在圣路易斯市的埃克德学院上学. 彼得堡佛罗里达,他们的儿子惠特曼去了乔治亚州立大学.

艾米·罗斯, 1990届毕业生, is working for Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments as the Performance and Compliance Manager for the area’s WIOA program. Amy was kind enough to share that WIOA is a federally funded program that (among other things) helps pay for occupational skills training for people with low income and/or other barriers to employment or self-sufficient wages. 艾米住在北卡罗来纳州的威尔明顿. 然而, 随着一切开始恢复正常, she will resume traveling to the SC Works Office along the coast several times a month. Amy also shared that her son ,Kai, just completed his sophomore year at 赌博游戏网站! 祝贺你,凯!

Mark Waldrop, 1990届毕业生,在哥伦比亚大学工作. 他有三个女儿还在上学. Mark stays in touch with Jeff Vick , and says that Jeff is doing well. I know that there have to be other Coker grads or attendees that you keep in touch with. 如果是这样,请喜欢马克,并给我们一个快速的更新. It doesn’ have to be a detailed account of everything that is going on with the person. 让我们知道他们做得怎么样.

迈克尔·盖博 ,谁会是1990届的学生, has been working as a kitchen and bath designer at 首页 Depot since 2012. 迈克尔和他的伴侣大卫在佛罗里达相遇并结婚. After making Florida their home for almost 30 years, they moved to Hilton Head in 2017. Michael says that he and David spend most of their ‘free time’ gardening and wrangling 2 very active but aging dogs, 一只禅宗猫, 我可爱的恐怖被欺骗性地称为“小猫”. Maybe you could reach out to Jenni and Jeff for some assistance with the cat and kitten.
大卫·马修斯, 1991届毕业生, works at The South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics as their IT Director. He has a daughter that is a junior at Anderson University majoring in Digital Media. David is excited to have his four step grandchildren in Hartsville now. 当大卫不忙着照顾家人的时候,他就会制造巨大的肥皂泡. 有机会的话去看看哈茨维尔泡泡男!

Heather Breen-Snow, Class of 1992, lives in the Washington DC metro area. She has worked for the county mental health department for the past 15 years. 希瑟目前管理着一个监狱小组 & Forensic Diversion clinicians trying to help people get treatment and resources to prevent incarceration & 累犯. Heather also manages a residential facility for people with serious mental illness. 她很快就会开一家私人诊所, but that will have to wait until after her daughter gets married this fall. Best wishes for a successful launch of your private practice, Heather! 随时通知我们.

戴尔和朱莉(普莱勒)莱瑟伍德 , 都是1992届的学生, 我住在奥兰多地区, and are the parents of two great boys who are both in college locally. 戴尔在高等教育中担任行政职务, 同时也是ClearDegree的共同创始人和所有者, an education concierge service helping working adults find a college degree program. Julie works for a Title company and keeps things running smoothly in the middle of the crazy Florida real estate market.
Heather McConnell Buckelew was excited to share that she has been accepted into the MPA program at Villanova. Heather wants to expand her knowledge after making a career change to local government. Greater involvement in local government is a need in most communities. We look forward to hearing about all the great ways that Heather has an impact on strengthening local governments!

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